被曝・診療 月報 第21号  韓日国際シンポジウム 原発と健康~日本のふくしまと韓国の原発周辺

ふくしま共同診療所院長 布施幸彦

左からイ・ホンジュ氏(博士/女性医院院長)杉井氏 布施氏 ペク・トミョン氏〔ソウル大学教授〕大腰良二氏




“被曝・診療 月報 第21号  韓日国際シンポジウム 原発と健康~日本のふくしまと韓国の原発周辺” の続きを読む

被曝・診療 月報 第20号



① 小児甲状腺がんは増加の一途をたどり、チェルノブイリで見られた「事故後4~5年後からの増加」の段階に達しています。検診・検査の重要性が決定的となってきています。

② 9万人を超える県内外避難者に対して、段階的に高汚染地域への「避難指示」が解除されつつあります。多くの人々は帰還を拒否しています。更に、自主避難者に対する補助の打ち切りを2017年3月と宣言しています「安全・安心」と称して、避難者の経済的困窮を強い、帰還=被曝・健康被害を強制する政策が進められています。憂慮すべき事態です。
③ 放射線による健康被害の実情と解明は、福島の地において、さらなる論議を深める時期に来ています。長期の被曝、とりわけ内部被曝の医学的解明・検討を深めることが、「県民の命と健康を守る」ことに寄与すると考えます。これらの状況を踏まえて、第2回目のシンポジウムを2017年3月12日(日)に、福島の地で開催したいと思います。「安全・安心・帰還・復興」のキャンペーンの下、健康被害、生活破壊、被曝強制が進む現状に抗して、ともに考え、論議を尽くそうではありませんか。


第2回シンポジウム実行委員長 ふくしま共同診療所名誉院長 松江寛人

*元放射線総合研究所医学主任研究官元国会事故調査委員  崎山 比早子
*放射能から子どもたちを守る全国小児科医ネットワーク代表   山田 真
*ふくしま共同診療所院長      布施 幸彦
*ふくしま共同診療所医師      平岩 章好
*ふくしま共同診療所医師        湊    明


1. 「第2回被曝・医療福島シンポジウム」開催へ

2. 福島における「非合理ながん診断」一県立医大はどのように彼ら自身の調査をサボタージュしているか–ノーベル平和賞受賞団体 IPPNW(核戦争防止国債医師会議) 原子力通信2016年8月号

3. 第25回健康調査検討委員会についての報告—ふくしま共同診療所事務長 須田 儀一郎

4. フクシマの放射能汚染‥「年20mSVを下回れば人は住めるか」–南相馬。避難勧奨地域の会事務局長 小澤 洋一

5. 「3.11甲状腺子ども基金」を設立しました–『原子力資料情報室通信』第509号から抜粋

被曝・診療 月報 第19号


ふくしま共同診療所院長 布施幸彦

① 検討委員会の縮小=廃止方針に県民から異議

しかし、「3.11甲状腺がん家族会」の「過剰検診のデメリットはない、規模の拡充を」の申し入れや「甲状腺検査の縮小」に反対する多くの県民の声が県に寄せられた。9月14日に行われた県民健康調査検討委員会では、県民の声に押された検討委員会の委員の多くが「今後も少なくとも10年は継続すべき」と主張したため、今回は見送りとなったが、星座長は「検査の在り方について今後も議論を進める」と検査の縮小の議論を継続することを表明した。 “被曝・診療 月報 第19号” の続きを読む

被曝・診療 月報 第18号 


               ふくしま共同診療所院長  布施 幸彦


“被曝・診療 月報 第18号 ” の続きを読む

バックナンバー 2016~14年

2016. 10.1
 №17 2016. 8.1  №16 2016. 6.1  №15 2016. 4.1  №14 2016. 2.1
№13 2015.12.1 №12
 №11 2015. 8.1  №10
2015. 3.8
2015. 4.1
2015. 2.1
 №7 2014.12.1  №6 2014.10.1  №5
2014. 8.1
2014. 6.1
2014. 4.1
№1 2013,12,1  リンク

№17 2016.8.1 小児の健康と命を守り、甲状腺検査の更なる充実と拡大を 杉井 吉彦


№16 2016.6.1
「甲状腺ガン増加を宣伝 報道ステーションの罪」(週刊新潮)を批判する


№15 2016.4.1 「避難・保養・医療の原則」で医療・行動することが大事 杉井 吉彦


№14 2016.2.1
本当に放射能の影響はないとする立場の診療でいいのか 院長 布施幸彦


№13 12.1 今こそ「避難・保養・医療」の原則を


№12 2015 10.1 2年間で小児甲状腺ガンは発生する 布施 幸彦№12









№11 2015.8.1 鈴木教授の「県民健康調査」からの退任の意味すること 杉井 吉彦

№ 11

№10〈特別号) 2015 3.8 被曝・医療 福島シンポジウム報告集


№9 2015,4.1 被曝・医療福島シンポジウム開かれる


№8 2015 2.1 12.25の福島県民調査(甲状腺検査)を批判するimg_0008

№7 2014.12.1
放射線による非がん性疾患 ―老化の促進に関連して
高木学校 崎山 比早子


№6 2014.10.1 甲状腺エコー検査から見えてきたもの (第2報) 松江 寛人


№5 2014、8,1 緊急対策の一つとして「安定ヨウ素剤」備蓄・服用の進め


№4 2014.6.1


№3 2014,4,1


№2 2014,2,1


№1 2013,12,1
甲状腺検査から見えてきたもの 第一報 松江 寛人


Fukushima Collaborative Clinic Monthly Bulletin Vol5

Criticism of the 15th Prefectural Oversight Committee Meeting for Fukushima Health Management Survey

July 10, 2014

f2671_05_01aYukihiko Fuse

The 15th Prefectural Oversight Committee Meeting for Fukushima Health Management Survey was held on May 19, 2014. The committee released the results of the Thyroid Ultrasound Examination including Aizu district (refer to the following table). One thing that became evident in this announcement is that there are regional disparities for the incidence of childhood thyroid cancer.

The radioactivity measurements were carried out in Fukushima City, Koriyama City, Shirakawa City, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Minami-Aizu City, Minami-Soma City and Iwaki City from March 11 to March 31, 2011. The measurements were, needless to say, not for radioactive iodine but for radioactive cesium, but the situation of the radioactive iodine that had been spread at the time of the nuclear plant explosion shall be deemed similar to the leaked radioactive cesium. Therefore I use the figures as a substitute for iodine.

The results are as follows:

In Minami-Soma, the maximum record was 20μSv/h on March 12 and then hovered at between 2 and 4μSv/h until it dropped to below 1μSv/h on March 31.

In Iwaki City, the maximum record was 22.72μSv/h on March 15 and then hovered at between 1 and 3μSv/h until it dropped to below 1μSv/h from March 29. (The record passingly increased again to 18μSv/h on March 16 and 6μSv/h on March 21.)

In Fukushima City, the maximum record was 24.24μSv/h on March 15 and then gradually decreased but still continued to keep high level of 2.94μSv/h even on March 31.

In Koriyama City, the maximum record was 24μSv/h on March 15 and then gradually decreased but still continued to keep high level of 2.6μSv/h even on March 31.

Shirakawa City was the only one that conducted the measurement from the very day of March 11. On March 11, the figure of the measurement was 0.05μSv/h but it became to the maximum record of 7.70μSv/h on March 15 and then gradually decreased to below 1μSv/h on March 27.

In Aizu-Wakamatsu City, the maximum record was 2.57μSv/h on March 15 but decreased to below 0.6μSv/h on March 17.

In Minami-Aizu City, the maximum record was 1.08μSv/h on March 15 but decreased to below 0.3μSv/h on March 16.

The above results turn out to be the following facts;

1.Minami-Soma City was affected by the Fukushima Unit 1 Explosion on March 12 and other cities were affected by the Fukushima Unit 2, 3 and 4 Explosion on March 14 and 15.

  1. Fukushima City and Koriyama City were exposed to high level of radiation compared to other districts and it lasted for a prolonged period.
  2. While on the other hand, Aizu district has been little-affected by radiation.

Looking at the incidence of childhood thyroid cancer by districts, the radiation dose closely correlates with the incidence. The Aizu district was exposed to the low radiation dose compared to other districts and only 1 child of Shimogomachi developed childhood thyroid cancer. The   incidence of Aizu district is 1 to 32,208 children. But in Fukushima City where the radiation dose was very high, the incidence in Nakadori is 1 to 2,898 children (about 11 times higher than Aizu district) and in Hamadori, 1 to 3,577 children (about 9 times higher than Aizu district).


7th Session of Expert Meeting Discussing Health Suport

On June 26, 2014, “7th Session of The Ministry of the Environment Expert Meeting Discussing Health Support After the Fukushima Nuclear Accident” took place and the Specially Appointed Professor to Director of Fukushima Medical University, Otsura Tanba, stated as follows;

“I have been studying biology of radiation accidents for quite a long time. As I have been carrying out merely experimental carcinogenesis and cellular analysis in mouse, I have very limited knowledge of radiation protection. But referring to the  incidence, I can say that there would be no development of cancer in a place with a low radiation dose. It is a hard fact. Cancer may develop stochastically, but I think that there is no development of cancer in a place with an immeasurably low radiation dose. It is just the same in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”

There are very few cases of childhood thyroid cancer in Aizu district because the radiation dose was very low.


Defective design of ultrasound examination

The second problem is that although the survey is claimed to be a “prefecture-wide inventory survey,” the subjects of the thyroid ultrasound test are only around 80% of the target population, because of flawed design of the Fukushima Prefecture government’s ultrasound examination. The examined were the only people who were able to go to the designated school buildings or gyms on designated dates and time where the ultrasound examination were conducted by some very limited medical institutions—the Fukushima Medical University and some major hospitals; around 20% of the target population could not get the examination at the fixed time and place.

In order to improve this defective survey design, it is indispensable to let all the medical institutions in Fukushima participate in the survey and to make it easy for all the target population to receive ultrasound examination at their neighboring institutions. In Belarus, the exposed to radiation have been still receiving ultrasound examination once in six months since the Chernobyl disaster 28 years ago. Not just children, but adults must be examined. Long-time observation is needed through their entire lives.

It is impossible for the FMU and some major institutions in Fukushima alone to deal with such challenges. Comprehensive initiative with participation and support of the entire medical institutions in Fukushima is definitely needed.  Also the Judging Panel that has been conducted solely by the FMU must include various medical institutions.

 Lymph node metastases already found

At the session of the Thyroid Examination Evaluation Subcommittee on June 10, 2014, a member of the subcommittee, Kenji Shibuya, professor at the Tokyo University, raised a question: “Don’t you consider the 51 thyroid surgery over-diagnosis and over-treatment (if these cases are attributable to the ‘screening effect’, and the optimum approach to them is wait-and-see.)?”

“Only those who really need it are cytologically diagnosed,” the FMU professor Shinichi Suzuki replied. “The detection of malignancy or suspected malignancy in our cytodiagnosis … does not mean that we performed so-called over-diagnosis and over-treatment. As for cytodiagnosis (of a 5 to 10 mm nodule), we recommended such diagnosis for children who had strongly suspected malignancy. In the case of a 5 to 10 mm nodule, we resected it only when it was highly malignant. Then, lymph node metastasis was detected in almost all of such cases. We did not unnecessarily resorted to resection only because patient was a child. Metastasis was clinically clear. Patients with a hoarse voice must be treated.” He explained that the surgeries were conducted based on the clinical appearance.

Previously, Professor Suzuki had underscored thyroid cancer’s good prognosis and slow progression.  If it were the case, a wait-and-see policy without any surgery would suffice, as remarked by Professor Shibuya. Professor Suzuki, however, conducted aspiration biopsy cytology for 437 persons because it was really needed. There was urgent necessity of 51 surgeries because of lymph node metastasis and other pathological conditions.

Despite as many as 51 thyroid cancer surgeries, the Fukushima Prefecture and the central governments insist that there is no health effect of radiation but the screening effect resulted in this figure, citing child thyroid ultrasound examination in three prefectures—Aomori, Yamanashi and Nagasaki. They reported that the result of the three-prefecture examination has no significant difference compared with that of Fukushima because 4,365 subjects were examined by ultrasound in the three prefectures and 2,368 (56.5%) were judged as A2 and 44 as B, in which 31 who gave consent were further examined by aspiration biopsy cytology and 1 case of child thyroid cancer was detected.

In Fukushima, 1 child thyroid cancer case was found in around 5,700 subjects. If there is no significant difference in the incidence rates all around the country as stated by the Fukushima Prefecture and the central governments, they must face with 1 in 4,000 or 6,000 children in all over Japan to whom they have to give thyroid cancer surgery. In fact, it is well known in the field that the overall child cancer incidence in Japan is 1 in 10,000. Their assertion logically implies that there are far more child thyroid cancer patients who need surgery than all kinds of child cancer cases. If the government still insist that Fukushima’s figure is not the result of the radiation exposure, they must immediately conduct ultrasound examination of all children around Japan.

(1)295,551: total examinees  (80.2%) out of the target population/ 287,056: assessed examinees (97.1%) out of total examinees
 “A1” assessment  “A2” assessment “B”
148,182 children


136,804 children


2,069 children


1 children


(2) number and percentage of the children who have either nodules or cysts

5.0 mm or smaller


5.1 mm or larger


20.0 mm or smaller


20.1mm or larger

1,578 children
2,051 children
137,077 children (47.8%) 12 children
(3) out of 2,070 children who got “B” or “C” assessment, 1,754 actually received secondary examination (84.7%)
certified examinees “A1” assessment “A2” assessment Those who need medical care
1,598 children (91.1%) 97 children
438 children
1,063 children
(4) out of 1063 children who need medical care, 437 received aspiration biopsy cytology(41.1%)
(5) the total number of confirmed or suspected malignant cancer cases; 90 children (male 32, female58)
51 children were given surgery; 49 papillary cancer cases, 1 suspected poorly-differentiated cancer, 1 non-malignant nodular

age range at the time of the nuclear accident; 6 – 18 (average age of 14.7)

tumor size ranged from 5.1- 40.5mm(average size 14.2mm)

(6) out of 90 children, 34 could be estimated effective doses and 21 were not more than 1.0mSv(61.8%)
(7) regional breakdown of 89 confirmed or suspected malignancy cases
Nakadori region; 23 in Koriyama city, 12 in Fukushima city, 6 in Shirakawa city, 5 in Nihonmatsu city, 3 in Tamura city, 3 in Motomiya city, 3 in Sukagawa city, 2 in Kawamata town, 2 in Date city, 2 in Otama village, 1 in Nishigo village, 1 in Izumizaki village, 1 in Miharu town, 1 in Ishikawa town, 1 in Hirata village, 1 in Tanagura town

Hamadori region; 14 in Iwaki city, 2 in Namie town, 2 in Minami-soma city, 1 in Kawauchi village, 1 in Tomioka town, 1 in Okuma town

Aizu region; only 1 in Shimogo town


Fukushima Collaborative Clinic Monthly Bulletin Vol4(May,2014)

WBC Measurements by Ryugo Hayano et al.— Survey Team Threw Away Their Medical Conscience and Fabricated an Official Record: “No cimg2323Internal Exposure”

KATSUMA Yagasaki
Professor Emeritus at University of the Ryukyus Doctor of Science

fccmonthlybulletin_vol4 pdf

1. For what purpose do they measure internal exposure levels?
2. The actual condition of the survey
3.Urine Test
4. Danger of Clothes Exposure is Comparable to Internal Exposure
5. Who Protect the People?

Fukushima Collaborative Clinic Monthly Bulletin Vol3(Mar,2014)

Report on the Results of Thyroid Blood Tests


Physician at the Fukushima Collaborative Clinic

The following is a summary of the test results of the examinees of both thyroid ultrasound screenings and thyroid blood tests during thirteen months from December 1, 2012—the opening day of our clinic—to the end of December 2013. The summary is followed by some speculations regarding the results.




Fukushima Collaborative Clinic Monthly Bulletin Vol1(Nov,2013)

 imageFindings from FHMS’s and FCC’s
Thyroid Ultrasound Examinations

Director of the Fukushima Collaborative Clinic
Results of FCC’s thyroid
The second FHMS’s thyroid
FMU’s Judgment on
Examination Results
